This interactive visualization displays State-specific monthly trends in inpatient stays related to COVID-19 and other conditions and facilitates comparisons across patient/stay characteristics and States. Trends are reported by the month of discharge from the hospital beginning with January 2018 except for COVID-19, where trends are reported beginning with April 2020. This information is drawn from AHRQ's
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Summary Trend Tables that present monthly information on hospital utilization based on the 2018-2021 HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) and 2021-2022 quarterly inpatient data, if available. Monthly information is available for almost all HCUP Partners, plus quarterly information for Florida, Pennsylvania, Census Bureau-designated regions, and the total U.S. HCUP brings together the data collection efforts of the
HCUP Partner-organizations. Definitions, a description of the methods, and the
full underlying dataset (XLSX, 20 MB) are available in Microsoft® Excel format.