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Corrections to the National Ambulatory Surgery Sample 2021

The assignment of the data elements for the Elixhauser Comorbidity Software Refined for ICD-10-CM and the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) for ICD-10-CM is incomplete for less than one percent (0.84 percent) of the records in the 2021 HCUP Nationwide Ambulatory Surgery Sample (NASS).

Data Issue

The 2021 NASS includes a maximum of 25 diagnosis codes. The assignment of comorbidity and diagnosis CCSR data elements used only 20 of the possible 25 diagnosis codes. This means that a small percentage of records (75,000 out of 8.9 million records, or 0.84 percent) in the 2021 NASS are missing an indication that the record is included in a comorbidity measure and/or CCSR category. The following provides two examples of how this issue affects the data:

Identification and Correction of the Affected Records

There are 113,560 records in the 2021 NASS with more than 20 diagnosis codes reported (identified by data element I10_NDX > 20). There are less than 75,000 records in the 2021 NASS that are affected by this issue. To be affected, a record needed to have more than 20 diagnoses reported and have a diagnosis that would trigger a comorbidity measure or CCSR category not flagged by the first 20 diagnoses.

The following lists the steps needed to correct these records:

  1. Download the two software tools from the HCUP User Support (HCUP-US) website:
    1. Elixhauser Comorbidity Software Refined for ICD-10-CM, v2023.1
    2. Clinical Classifications Software Refined for ICD-10-CM, v2023.1
  2. Run the Elixhauser comorbidity software on the NASS_2021_ENCOUNTER file specifying to use 25 diagnoses (I10_DX1-I10_DX25) and retaining the unique record number (data element KEY_NASS). This will create a file with the corrected set of comorbidity data elements (starting with CMR_).
  3. Run the CCSR for ICD-10-CM software on the NASS_2021_ENCOUNTER file specifying to use 25 diagnoses (I10_DX1-I10_DX25) and retaining the unique record number (data element KEY_NASS). Specify the creation of a horizontal file (macro statement %LET HORZ=1). This will create a file with the CCSR data elements (starting with DXCCSR_).
  4. Merge together the two resulting files (one with the CMR_ data elements and the other with the DXCCSR_ data elements) by the data element KEY. This new file will take the place of the current NASS_2021_DX_PR_GRPS file and have the corrected assignment of the comorbidity measures and CCSR categories.

Internet Citation: 2021 NASS Known Data Issues. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). July 2024. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 7/24/24