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NEDS Description of Data Elements

FEMALE - Indicator of sex
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

The sex of the patient (FEMALE) is provided by the data source. All non-male, non-female (e.g., "other") values are set to missing (.).

If FEMALE is inconsistent with diagnoses (EDX03), procedures (EPR03), ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM/PCS procedures (EPR03), or HCPCS procedures (ECPT02), FEMALE is set to inconsistent (.C).

In HCUP databases before 1998, this data element is called SEX.

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
FEMALEIndicator of sex0Male
.CInconsistent, EDX03, EPR03, ECPT02
State Specific Notes

California (SID and SEDD)

Central Distributor only - because of confidentiality restrictions, sex (FEMALE) is suppressed on some records.

Utah (SID)

Through the 2002 data year, the source value "E" for "Encrypted patient sex (confidential data)" is recoded to missing (FEMALE = .).

Utah encrypts the patient sex for the following two conditions:

  1. Patients with the Major Diagnosis Code of "Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection" (value 25) and
  2. Diagnosis Related Groups "Alcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependence" (values 433-437).

Beginning with the 2003 data, Utah supplies an unmasked file.

Beginning with the 2015 data, the HCUP data element FEMALE is set to missing (.) in the Central Distributor SID for records involving substance abuse or HIV infection. This was done at the request of the Utah Partner organization.

Vermont (SID)

After the 2002 Vermont SID file was created, the data source reported that a small number of discharges have incorrect information. This affects about 10 hospitals and less than 100 discharges.


Internet Citation: HCUP NEDS Description of Data Elements. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). May 2015. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 5/8/15