The data element TRAN_IN indicates that the non-newborn patient was transferred into the hospital and is defined using either admission source (ASOURCE) or point of origin (PointOfOriginUB04), depending on data availability. The coding of admission source and point of origin varies by the admission type. When the admission type indicates a newborn (ATYPE=4) then the admission source and point of origin indicate the type of birth instead of the type of transfer. Therefore, the identification of transfers in TRAN_IN is specific to non-newborn patients with ATYPE not equal to 4.
- The value 1 indicates the patient was transferred from a different acute care hospital (ASOURCE=2 or PointOfOriginUB04=4).
- The value of 2 indicates the patient was transferred in from another type of health facility.
- Starting in data year 2020, the criteria is ASOURCE=3 or PointOfOriginUB04=5, 6, D, E, F, or G
- From data year 2017 through 2019, the criteria was ASOURCE=3 or PointOfOriginUB04=5, or 6, D, E, or F.
- Prior to data year 2017, the criteria was ASOURCE=3 and PointofOriginUB04=5 or 6.
TRAN_IN is missing if information neither admission source nor point of origin is available.